
The training can really be summed up in two words: Correction and Love.  Every breed of dog is a pack animal.  Dogs descended from wolves and while they have been domesticated their pack instinct is still very strong. It is critical to the relationship with your dog that you establish your role as leader! We will show you how to establish yourself as the leader of your pack. Every pack of dogs has a strict hierarchy that all members follow and abide by. All dogs view the family they live with as their pack. Your pack includes everyone, humans (adults and children), other dogs, and even the cat.

Alpha: Simply put, this is the boss!  This position is not negotiable and must be clear for the dog to understand.  This should never be the dog’s position! This is always your spot to fill and you will learn how to communicate who is in charge after training.


There is no magic training “switch” where your dog is miraculously fixed in an instance. You will be learning our training method allowing you to dramatically increase your ability to both correct and direct your dogs behavior. That being said, our training does offer extremely quick and drastic results often in the very first training session.

There are very few methods that allow you to communicate both correction and direction to the dog effectively, fairly, and directly. A dog’s behavior can be altered by two very distinct behavioral motivators.  These behavioral motivators can be seen as either consequence or reward, it is that simple.  When a dog has an unwanted behavior like pulling on the leash, the dog will respond to proper correction.  Correction being the consequence motivator for their tugging on leash.  Or the dog will keep tugging on the leash enjoying the routine as if it were a game which is their pleasure motivator.  A dog may respond to a specific audio command (ie sit) but at the root of that decision is one of these two motivating factors.  Not all dogs can be trained with a positive reinforcement or reward based only approach.  The magic of this training method is that every single dog responds to proper correction or the consequence motivator for their behavior.  The alpha wolf does not use treats to get their pack members to do what they want.  You are the alpha in your home and if followed correctly this technique will remove any doubt from your dog as to who is in charge.

Alpha Dogs are a Problem!

We have all seen or experienced a dog dragging their owner for a walk, the constant barking, the food aggression, aggressiveness toward other dogs, or worse and it is awful!  If a dog is to truly respect and follow you, it is essential to establish who is in charge.  Dogs that perceive they are alphas only cause problems.  Alpha dogs get into fights, they don’t listen to commands consistently, they escape, or much worse….  It is irresponsible and unsafe to allow certain dog behaviors to continue and it is the responsibility of the owner to train the dog properly.  This all starts with you being the alpha, not the dog!  Our training method gives you the tools necessary to establish this role as alpha.

Your household will be a better place when the hierarchy is established and maintained. With our method, consistency, and accountability you can have your dog behave the way you want it to. Your dog will respect you as the alpha and it will instill a true sense of confidence and tranquility for dog and human alike.  You are in charge, and we will teach you how to communicate this to the dog without question. Our method greatly effects you and the dogs relationship by strengthening your bond and love for each other. 


We specialize in reactive, small to medium sized dogs under 30 lbs, and helping them and the owner understand and solve their reactivity. Whether it is leash reactivity to other dogs and people, aggressive home behavior, biting, barking, or any unwanted reactive behavior. With our balanced approach we have had amazing success at correcting these problem behaviors and more. Our balanced approach instills calmness, confidence, and clear expectations to the dog.

We absolutely believe that none of our training methods are cruel to the dog in any way! We believe INTENT is what makes a training method cruel. Our intent is always solely about bettering the dog, owner, and their relationship, period! We apply whatever training we think will achieve this goal and improve everyone’s dog ownership experience. We make sure the owner has a full grasp on the training method and application while working with them regularly to achieve peace and balance in the relationship with their dog.