Daycare & Boarding Rules

Will my dog be supervised?

This is a supervised free roam dog boarding facility where dogs are separated based on size and age.

We have a zero-tolerance policy for aggressive dogs towards staff!

Which dogs are grouped together?

Three groups of dogs are allowed to be together:

1) small dogs
2) medium/large dogs
3) older dogs and puppies

Please keep in mind that dogs PLAY with their teeth and nails. They also rough house with other dogs so do not be alarmed if your dog returns with an occasional small bruise, cut, or scrape after boarding or daycare. If you are not comfortable with this let us know and we will do our absolute best to accommodate your needs and make your experience with us a great one.

What if my dog is aggressive?

Any fighting is absolutely not tolerated and aggressive dogs will be kept in their own private area. If your dog has serious behavior issues such as being aggressive with any other dogs, upsetting to other dogs in their group, or for any other reason needs their own private area, owner shall be notified and the following stay you will be charged at a rate of $100 per night to board and $65 for daycare.

What will happen if my dog bites?

If your dog bites any staff member the dog owner will be notified immediately and someone will have to pick up the dog, or be available to have the dog delivered (at owners expense) within that day’s boarding cycle. In the event the dog can not be picked up/delivered within that day’s boarding cycle, each additional day of boarding after owner has been notified shall be at a rate of $500 per day until pickup or delivery is made. Absolutely no exceptions will be made to these rules.